

Annunciation Catholic Church

Ascension Catholic School

Bishop Miege High School

Blessed Sacrament Church

City on a Hill Young Adult Apostolate

Didde Catholic Campus Center at Emporia State University

Donnelly College

Holy Trinity Catholic Church

Mater Dei Catholic School

Office of Catholic Schools

Our Lady of Unity Catholic School

Resurrection Catholic School

St Francis de Sales Church

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

St Patrick Catholic School

Xavier Catholic School


St. Francis de Sales Church

Purpose of Grant: Funding for the Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) Increase Offertory Program

Amount of Grant Award: $3,500

Outcome: In the 3 months after the program was introduced, our weekly offertory increased by 14%

How the grant money was spent: It was used to partially fund the OSV Increase Offertory Program. The total cost of the program was $7,350. The grant covered $3,500. The remainder came out of operating reserves.

St. Pius X Catholic Church

Purpose of Grant: Help fund Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) Program

Amount of Grant Award: $3,000

Outcome: Increased our offertory by approximately $70k

How the grant money was spent: Fund OSV Program costs

Resurrection Catholic School

Purpose of Grant: Advance Development Efforts

Amount of Grant Award: $5,000

Outcome: To be determined, within the course of the next year

How the grant money was spent: Kansas City Business Journal Subscription $207, Overland Park Chamber Membership $585 & Hispanic Chamber Membership $400. Each for one year, would be beneficial to renew each of these for another year to evaluate as it takes time to create awareness and to develop new relationships with potential donors and board members. Total would be approximately $2,384. Additional areas still being explored and considered to advance development efforts include: A) Looking into resources to assist with grant management to eliminate manual grant tracking, opportunities for our grant needs, AI writing assistance. B) Professional Development for grant writing and PD opportunities for Marketing Director. C). Marketing materials, LinkedIn Premium.

Didde Catholic Campus Center

Purpose of Grant: Help fund our new Form the Swarm Gala

Amount of Grant Award: $3,000

Outcome: The goal was to get between 50-100 people in the room. We had around 90 people including volunteers. It was a great turnout! That night, attendees gave around $11,000; however, the matching gift campaign generated more funds beyond that single night. We brought in over $40,000 with this campaign. That number includes sponsorships, tickets, donations from people who were unable to attend the gala, email solicitation gifts, and dedicated gifts dropped in the Sunday collection. With the CFNEK’s help with our expenses, I believe we will net around $35,000. This is a great improvement on our previous receptions. The highest amount we brought in previously was around $20,000.

How the grant money was spent: Venue rental, décor, printing, and mailings

Bishop Ward High School

Purpose of Grant: Professional staff development

Amount of Grant Award: $5,000

Outcome: Additional staff training opportunities for the Advancement team

How the grant money was spent: The grant money was spent on staff development to attend a national grant professional conference being held in Kansas City. We hosted a shared staff training of a professional fundraising webinar regarding making newsletters more effective and profitable. We hosted advancement staff from Bishop Miege and St. James Academy (in addition to Bishop Ward staff). We were also proud to have local Wyandotte County entities participate from The Learning Club and KCKCC. The remaining funds were utilized for all advancement staff to get training in their area of specialty (i.e. grants, marketing, special events, and major gifts).

Xavier Catholic School

Purpose of Grant: 165 Year Celebration!

Amount of Grant Award: $2,500

Outcome: We began the year with a community alumni Mass that gathered current and previous families together. We launched a new event, Trivia Night. Although the income was only $1,200, 100% of those who responded indicated they want to attend the event next year. Our Ignite the Green and White event was successful with almost 165 individuals attending.

How the grant money was spent: The grant money was used to purchase food for all attendees at the alumni Mass and Barn Dance as well as to provide a DJ and supplies for Trivia Night. The remaining funds of $1,500 were used to offset expenses from Ignite the Green and White.

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

Purpose of Grant: 1/3 of contract with OSV

Amount of Grant Award: $3,498

Outcome: We have not yet received a final report from OSV

How the grant money was spent: Paid to OSV

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School

Purpose of Grant: Support Community Engagement

Amount of Grant Award: $2,500

Outcome: We hosted an event focused on family, prayer, and the Eucharist. Not a quantifiable result, but we had 200 attendees who shared time in game play, conversation, and prayer. Written feedback was incredibly positive. Additional funds are applied to salary support of the Community Engagement coordinator.

How the grant money was spent: The event itself (Thankful Thursday) cost around $1,200. The additional money goes to salary support of the role of "Community Engagement Coordinator" which as a role that a teacher (Kathleen Hess) holds in addition to her teaching role. In the role of Community Engagement, we are trying to reengage families in school life that is directly connected to parish life/faith life. In this role, the school hosts monthly gatherings after All School Mass. At these gatherings, we invite grade level parents (ex. Invitation extended to 5th grade parents on February 25th) to All School Mass, and then have them stay after for a cup of coffee and treat. Father Zarse attends and it is a wonderful opportunity to remind parents that it is the Mass that animates the school. It also builds community within the grade level parent community who rarely engage outside of sporting events. This past week we also hosted a reception for Daily Mass attendees. We had a room full of attendees from the Daily Mass crowd that were served by our students. This is a witness to our students of parish life, as they have a chance to serve the daily Mass goers. From the Thankful Thursday events to events that bring people together, we are committed to reengaging adults with their Catholic community.