August Newsletter
We are delighted to have so much activity going on at the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas' office. Within the past month, we have been buzzing with energy. Included in this newsletter are smiling fund holders, happy scholarship recipients, the new Heart To Heart Scholarship Fund, upcoming events, #GiveCatholicArchKCK helpful links and a Board Member Spotlight.
The Enderle - Bogenrife Scholarship Endowment
Richard Bogenrife and Mary Rose Enderle presented a check to Cameron Ernzen to futher his education at Kansas City Kansas Community College. While at Kansas City Kansas Community College, Cameron will be pursuing his passion in construction technology. (Pictured L - R : Richard Bogenrife, Mary Rose Enderle and Cameron Ernzen)
The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas was delighted to host this scholarship check presentation at the Chancery offices. Read the story on our cfnek website.
(Pictured L - R Bill Maloney, Executive Director The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas, Richard Bogenrife, Mary Rose Enderle, Cameron Ernzen, Marcia Irvine, Director of KCKCC Pioneer Career Center and Jane Schmitt, Marketing Coordinator The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas)
Mr. Sam Heinen is the recent recipient of The St. Leo Scholarship. The Knights of Columbus Council #834 and Fr. Dan Gardner, pastor at St. Leo's Parish in Horton, awarded the scholarship to Sam Heinen. Sam will be attending Highland Community College Technical Center. He will be enrolled in the HVAC program. Good luck this semester!!!
The Heart To Heart Scholarship Fund is a new fund opened this year at the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas. The Heart To Heart Scholarship Fund exists to financially assist, young women and men in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas as they respond to God's call to pursue the priesthood or religious life. Recognizing that it is the shared responsibility of the whole body of Christ to support the formation of future religious and priests of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, the Heart To Heart Scholarship Fund has been established to assist in facilitating this support.
Please enjoy this beautiful video of Don Arth expressing his desire to be a part of the Heart to Heart Scholarship Fund. This video was shown at the Master's Golf charity event and luncheon. Enjoy!
On August 2, 2021 the first Master's Cup Golf charity event and luncheon was held raising $45,000. To read more about the event here is the link to the article here.
The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas Deo Gratias Appreciation Dinner is Thursday, November 11, 2021 from 5:30 - 8:30 PM in the Keleher Conference Center at Savior Pastoral Center, 12601 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66109. Come see how The Catholic Foundation helps parishes, schools and Catholic Organizations secure long-term gifts. This is an appreciation event, so there is no cost to attend. Spouses are welcome. Registration is now open. Click HERE to register.
Joined the CFNEK Board in 2016
CEP Chair of the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas
Investment/Finance Committee & Marketing Committee Member
Presently Certified Financial Planner, Strategic Wealth Planners
Former President/Chief Executive Officer, Mobile Care, Inc.
Past President/Chief Executive Officer, Central Kansas Medical Center (Catholic Hospital)
Past Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, Freeport Memorial Hospital
M.A. in Hospital and Health Administration, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa